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How to Write a Winning Nomination For Your Community Hero

Design For A Difference (DFAD) is awarding community heroes with free flooring and expert advice for a complete room makeover. Do you know a community hero who deserves to be recognized for their hard work and dedication? Receiving an award for someone’s hard work can be one of the most joyful moments one can experience, but we all know how hard it can be writing an award nomination for your hero. You’ll want to be sure to highlight their achievements without coming off as exaggerating. The hardest part of writing a nomination essay is choosing the right words.

Writing A Nomination Letter

You may begin by referring to your nominee’s achievements that are related to the criteria of the award. That is, if an award is being given for community work, it would not be appropriate to highlight the educational achievements of your nominee. Therefore, the achievements must be relevant. For instance, achievements that are associated with community work will mostly be in terms of the benefits that the community gained as a result of your nominee’s efforts.

Writing A Winning Nomination

Don’t just say that your nominee is outstanding, you need to prove it! It is important to demonstrate their achievements rather than just simply stating their achievements. For example, you may write that your particular nominee volunteered in their community by putting together care packages for the local essential workers, and because of that he/she deserves to Design for a Difference. A more appropriate way to write would be to explain the activities that the nominee carried out and if possible, how did they make an impact on their community over the last few months.

Your nomination essay should have at least a 750 character count that includes an opening statement, supporting statement, and a closing statement. An opening statement includes why your nominee should win the DFAD contest and is about 2-3 sentences in length. The supporting statement highlights your nominee’s achievements, the impact they had on the community, and anything else they did that went above and beyond what was expected of them. A closing statement explains why you feel your nominee should win, and feel free to include additional testimonials from others who think the nominee should win a makeover.

If you know a community hero who deserves to be nominated, make sure you fill out our nomination form here!